Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Resistant to Revival

“You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears; you always resist the Holy Spirit!” Acts 7:51

Stephen was chosen as one of the first deacons of the early church. He was a spiritually gifted man of unique qualities that endeared him to the people. Not only was his love for the church evident in his willingness to help the pastoral staff serve the needs of the congregation, he was also unafraid to challenge the intimidating tactics of the religious elite as they sought to silence the witness of Christ’s followers. The boldness of Stephen came at a high cost, however, as he was martyred for his unwavering faith and his uncompromising preaching of God’s truth.

Stephen accused his listeners of resisting the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts is a history of the Third Person of the Trinity working mightily through the early believers. God had showed up, and He was showing out! Jerusalem was a place of an incredible revival among the church and an undeniable awakening among the lost. Amazing numbers of men and women were coming to faith in Christ, and the elitist Jews had had enough.

Is it not troubling to realize that when God begins to do a great work, that you will often find a work of resistance to His activity? This kind of action is not reserved solely to the testimony of scripture as revealed in the life of the church in the New Testament. As a student of revival, I discovered that the prophets of the Old Testament faced ridicule, threats and violent opposition whenever they exalted a message demanding repentance and remorse to those that would hear and heed God's voice. In fact, throughout history, this type of activity has been repeated time and time again.

The last message that I posted on Pulpit Truth was about our need to experience Showers of Blessings from the throne of God. As I have thought about that truth, I have reflected upon my own experiences when I saw men and women WITHIN the church seek to position themselves in OPPOSITION to the work of the Spirit of God. Oh, how my heart breaks when I realize that we are so often defeated from within! Our failures are not political, beloved, they are spiritual. And the sad truth is that some who are members of our churches DO NOT want to encounter the showers of grace falling upon us!

You see, friend, when revival comes, everything changes. EVERYTHING! The presence of God among His people burns away impurities, rights wrong relationships, corrects false doctrine, and restores the passion of worship to His people. Now the question must be asked: Are we ready for such an experience? Will we release ourselves to His control? Are we willing to yield to His lordship in all areas of our lives, homes, churches, and our work environments? Revival is not about what happens only inside a church building; it is an event that touches each area of who and what we are, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you and I are privileged to experience Showers of Blessings, please do not be one of those who will always resist the Holy Spirit. Seek Him. Love Him. Obey Him. And who knows, we might hear that lovely sound…the abundance of rain!

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